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Image by Kate Krivanec


Throughout a 3 week session, students will be studying abroad in and around London and they will receive 6 course credits toward their major, minor, or degree credit hours. While this site highlights the Type & Poster course, most students are also enrolled in a second course taught by Kara Williams Glenn. These students represent multiple states, countries, and universities.

About the Type & Poster Course

This course investigates historic poster and type trends that originated in and around England while also highlighting contemporary design trends. Students will learn about the U.S. based poster initiative “Type Hike” and will compare and contrast poster design while looking at the posters and advertisements that are stapled and placed all over the U.K. Visits to museums, galleries, and design studios in London will provide historic and contemporary perspectives. Incorporating design research, methodologies and their own personal approach, students will develop a poster series which will be curated into an Online blog site that reflects the research and creativity of the entire class.

Throughout the course students will develop a poster series that reflects their design research, methodologies, and own personal approach. All the posters created will then be curated into an Online blog site that reflects the research and process of all students. This course focuses on the process of lateral thinking and the visualization of design problems and their solutions and emphasizes effective research, imagination, originality, and execution.

Project Development​
In addition to creating type-based posters, students will keep a travel journal/log via their sketchbook while also contributing to weekly posts. All final visual outcomes will be posted and shared on this site. As a visual record of our travels, students will curate a "Type Walk" gallery composed of images of type captured throughout our journey.

© 2022 Study Abroad Students

All writings, images, and content are property of the students who created them.

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