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recap three

July 31st: Travel Day

When we woke up, our class headed to the V&A. We had a fully booked day ahead of us. The V&A was one of the best museums we visited on this trip. When we first got there, a couple of us headed to this spot with a little fountain. When we read the sign, it said we were allowed to get in and run around and that it was built for people to enjoy. We thought this was pretty awesome. We splashed in the water for a bit and started to head inside to get an actual look at the museum. The whole building is beautiful in itself. We didn't get to look at much because we had another museum we had to get to. When I most definitely return to London in the future, this will be somewhere I visit again because I want to dedicate more time to the V&A than I got to. Our next museum was the Science Museum which honestly was not very interesting. They had some little games to play but other than that, I wasn't too into it. We had to hurry back to the hotel after because we had a train to Edinburgh at 4:30. We packed our stuff and headed to the train station. I got some coffee and worked on classwork for the next 5 or so hours. We kept getting delayed because the train in front of us had massacred some sheep on the tracks. It was a weird thing to encounter for sure. We eventually made it to Edinburgh and headed straight to Mcdonalds to eat. We walked to our cute airbnb and went to sleep for the night.

August 1st: First Day in Edinburgh

We woke up unironically to the sound of bagpipes playing outside. Our airbnb was really beautiful and had a great view of old historical buildings. We had a slower start because we were thankful to be able to sleep in. We decided to just walk to the Royal Mile and find something to do. We did some shopping for souvenirs and watched some street performances. One thing that was really cool about Edinburgh were these street performances. They were everywhere. It was just tons of people showing their crazy talents. After looking around we headed to St. Prince Park and laid in the grass. This is one of my favorite things to do abroad because everyone lays in the grass. In America they would probably think I'm a crazy person. We decided to cook dinner this night because it had been so long since we had had a home cooked meal. We decided on spaghetti. It was super yummy. We ended our night with several rounds of Clue and headed to bed.

(Last picture is Sydney and Kyndall getting a splinter out of my foot from the hardwoods at the airbnb)

August 2nd: Ghost Tour

When we first woke up, we went to go book tickets for any tours they had available for the day. All they ended up having available was a 10 pm ghost tour so we decided to go for it. Afterward, we sat and watched a man play with fire on the street for awhile. We got some lunch at this little bar and Sydney and I split a chicken platter. Eventually headed back to the airbnb to take naps because we were pretty tired. When we finally came to, Sol made us chicken fajitas for dinner. After dinner, we sat and read tarot cards to each other because almost all the girls bought tarot decks. I always love doing that kind of thing so it was interesting. By the time we were done, it was time to head to our tour. While we were walking there, Kyndall got sucked into a dance battle we pushed her into with the banana man. He was pretty mean to her so she didn't like it lol. We ran to our tour so we weren't late and got to head underground the city. I loved the tour and Madison and I tried to connect to the spirits and the rest of the group didn't like that very much lol. We also found out that the cemetery next to our airbnb had a poltergeist and is one of the most haunted place in Edinburgh with over 40,000 bodies mass buried there. I thought that was pretty awesome that we could see it in our backyard. We ended out night at the pub and headed back for the night.

(this is the only picture I have of that day)

Wednesday, August 3rd: Crisis Day

I woke up to toast being made and got to enjoy a nice breakfast. We cleaned the apartment and packed all of our stuff to leave the airbnb. When we finished, we thought it was a good idea to go over and visit the cemetery next to us. It was a little freaky but super cool to see. I think some of my favorite parts of this trip was just all the paranormal stuff we did. We got tired of lugging our bags around after this and went to go check them at the train station so we could explore without them. We got lunch at an Italian place which was one of the better Italian restaurants we had been to. These people have just never heard of spice. I really think it would change their lives. Afterward we went to go lay in the grass again but was soon interrupted by notifications of our train getting cancelled. We ran to the train station and we found out there was a huge fire of the train tracks and that there would be no trains leaving for London that night. We all freaked out about where we were going to stay for the night for about 30 minutes but we called our airbnb lady and she let us stay another night. We just had a communal homework sesh and drank lots of wine for the night.

Thursday, August 4th: Travel Day

When we woke up we cleaned all over again and headed to the train station. Once again, our train was cancelled. I still don't even know why but the ticket people said if we ran that we could hop on the train that was leaving in 10 minutes. We booked it as fast as we could and got some seats. I finished a lot of homework on the train and when we got back we had to go straight to class. This was a really frustrating day. Nothing really interesting, just homework all day.

Friday, August 5th & Saturday, August 6th

We just had a full work days on these days. Nothing interesting, just homework.

Sunday, August 7th: Our Last Day

We decided to go to the London Eye in the morning and see if we could get any tickets. We had looked online the night before and it was all booked but we thought we would at least try. When we got there we were pretty shocked that we actually got tickets for all seven of us. It was a really beautiful view and I'm so glad we got a chance to do it but probably never again lol. It definitely was not worth almost 40 pounds. Some of us split up after that to do different things we had planned for our last day. Kyndall, Sol, Abby, and I all went to Camden Market at this point. This was a really awesome place and I would recommend it to anyone that is traveling to London. Its basically a huge flea market of handmade crafts, jewelry, and clothes. I bought more stuff then I should have here but I couldn't help it. I also got a tarot card reading here. Usually if I ever see someone offering this I always take them up on it. I just think its super cool. We spent a lot of time here and eventually headed over to see Abbey Road because we were kind of close to it. This was really awesome because I wanted to do this my whole trip and didn't get the chance to until the last day. I am a huge Beatles fan and grew up listening to them my whole life with my grandpa. We of course took awkward pictures in the middle of the street and headed back to the hotel. A bunch of us got ramen for dinner and reminisced on the amazing trip we had and how much we would miss it.

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